
启专业展馆 树石博形象

Build A Fixed Pavilion To Establish New Image Of The Stone Fair

石博天下 你我同行

Stone World, We Are Together!

2016年启动固定新展馆 · 效果图

start fixing the new exhibition hall · renderings 2016

一、石博会将建成固定新展馆 Build a fixed pavilion




The overall construction of the new exhibition pavilion is a relatively high standard, the layout more scientific, so in 2016 the overall hardware of the new pavilion will be a significant increase over last year. The new exhibition pavilion reached 85,000 square meters, have 5,000 international standard booths as planning. Meanwhile, catering, toilets, other ancillary business and leisure will be more perfect.

二、展位平面规划更加科学 Booth floor plan more scientific




17th Stone Fair Pavilion, hall layout planning is more reasonable, we plan the formation of horizontal and vertical each three main channels, so that every one of the exhibitors are basically next to the main channel, not only help enhance the exhibition effect, and booths the exhibit will be more beautiful effect. Overall, the overall layout of the new exhibition hall will be more scientific and reasonable than in previous years.

三、展馆整体规划更加多元化 The overall planning of the pavilion is more diversified

