
郑州大唐高科耐材有限公司 地处耐火材料资源丰富的河南嵩山脚下,是一家专业从事耐火材料研发、生产、销售、并提供工业窑炉全套服务及解决方案的公司。高铝耐火砖用于砌筑炼钢电炉、玻璃熔炉、水泥回转炉等的衬里等。公司拥有一系列自主知识产权的耐火材料产品。公司主营:耐火砖、耐火浇注料, 高铝质制品的定制及研发。公司可以根据客户需要,来样或来图定制各种耐火产品,

zhengzhou dtng Refrctory Mteril Co., L is locted in Zhengzhou Henn province,which is one of e min refrctory production bses in Chin. Armed wi strong technicl force,well-equipped fcilities,dvnced technologies,it hs estblished long-term friendship nd coopertion wi mny domestic scientific reserch Institutions nd cdemies. The compny's min products re (1)Different kinds of refrctory bricks:Cly brick,High lumin brick,Light weight insulting brick,Corundum mullite brick,Mgnesi brick etc.(2)Unshped refrctory:Cs,Rmming mss,Gunning mix,Mortr,High lumin cement,Mouldble refrctory etc They re widely used in Iron nd Steel, Nonferrous Metls, Building mterils(Cement,Glss,Cermic), Petrochemicl, Energy ∓ Incinertion etc industries. Our products hve been exported toAmeric Indi Mlysi nd Kzkhstn etc. “Henn dtng Refrctory Mteril Co., L will do e best for e clients in timely nd effective wy.

