

价格:74512 2020-09-22 11:48:01 731次浏览





一般人工造出来的雪在气温和湿度状态很好的情况下,雪是偏干的,滑雪体验是F好的,但要问能在雪道上停留多久?因素有很多,比如室外温度多少度?空气湿度是多少?雪道使用频率?雪道的接待是否密集?造雪的时候雪的厚度是多少?都有关系,如果在东北地区,每天气温都在zero下五度以上的,深度在5zero公分,日接待能力1zerozerozero人左右,年前客流量大的时候补YJ。但如果在南方地区,白天温度zero上,夜间温度zero下的情况,基本上几天就得补Y雪, 客流量大的两天雪就会发黑。也就是说雪量充足或下雪多的地方不用怎么补雪,但是如果气温条件不允许,且客流量还大,那么就需要勤快一些,看雪黄了、黑了就要L补雪。

Precautions for skiing: 1. Know the length, width, height, slope and direction of the ski slopes before skiing, so as to avoid being caught off guard in case of accidents during skiing. 2. Choose the snowy road according to your own level, and never overestimate yourself. 3. Understand the climate characteristics and weather conditions of the ski resort, and pay attention to sudden changes in weather. 4. When skiing, you can't stop at the steep slope, but stop at the edge of the gentle snowy road, and pay attention to the skiers who slide down on it. 5. When taxiing, if the situation ahead is unknown or ski equipment is abnormal, check it in time. 6, pay attention to distance when sliding, don't chase companion, so as not to fall or collide. 7. If you fall out of control during taxiing, you should lower your center of gravity for a moment, sit back, don't struggle at will, but lift your limbs, bend down, and let them slide, avoiding head-down, while G needs J to avoid rolling. 8. If someone is found injured, do not move it at will, but report it to the management personnel of the ski resort.

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