

价格:10 2024-09-29 05:00:02 1533次浏览



Regulation of electric two circuit AC voltage test

电气二次回路交流耐压试验,应符合下列规定:1、试验电压应为1000V。当回路绝缘电阻值在10MΩ以上时,可采用2500V兆欧表代替,试验持续时间应为1min,尚应符合产品技术文件规定;2、48V及以下电压等级回路可不做交流 ...

The electric two circuit AC voltage resistance test should comply with the following regulations: 1, the test voltage should be 1000V. When the insulation resistance of the circuit is above 10M ohm, the 2500V Mega meter can be used instead of the test. The test duration should be 1min, which is still in line with the product technical documents. 2, 48V and the following voltage level circuit can not be exchanged.

2017-10-25 07:36

2017-10-25 07:36


Electrical two circuit measurement of insulation resistance regulation

测量绝缘电阻,应符合下列规定:1、应按GB 50150-2016标准第3.0.9,条的规定,根据电压等级选择兆欧表;2、小母线在断开所有其他并联支路时,不应小于10MΩ;3、二次回路的每一支路和断路器、隔离开关的操动机构的电 ...

Measuring insulation resistance shall comply with the following provisions: 1, according to GB 50150-2016 standard 3.0.9, shall, according to the voltage level selection of megohmmeter; 2, the small bus disconnect all other parallel branches, should not be less than 10M; 3, the two loop of each branch circuit breaker, isolating and switch electric actuator...

2017-10-25 07:35

2017-10-25 07:35


Color identification of wire in low voltage electrical switchgear

在低压成套开关设备内部的线缆一般采用黑色作为基本颜色,线头和线尾可加颜色套环进行区别。颜色色系的标定含义见表1低压成套开关设备内部依导线颜色标志电路时的线缆颜色标定含义 序号 导线颜色 意义 1 黑色 装置和 ...

In the low voltage switchgear, the cable usually uses black as the basic color, and the line head and the tail can be different with the color ring. The calibration meaning of the color system is shown in Table 1, the color of the cable in the low voltage switchgear, which is based on the conductor's color mark circuit, the meaning of the serial number, the color of the conductor, the black device and the 1.

2017-10-25 07:34

2017-10-25 07:34


The two times the electric control of the wire harness

电气二次控制线束脱落惹的祸2017年10月,某220kV变电站线路断路器A相偷跳,重合闸动作重合A相成功后再次偷跳,约8秒后线路主一保护电气量三相不一致保护动作跳开221断路器B、C相。 针对这起保护误动作事件,检查发现:由于机构箱未设置线槽盒, ...

Two electric control harness off disaster in October 2017, a 220kV substation circuit breaker A phase tripping reclosing, coincidence A phase after the success of stealing again jump, about 8 seconds after the line main protection electrical three-phase inconsistent protection circuit breaker tripping action 221 B, C. In view of the misoperation of this protection, it is found that, since the box box is not set,...

2017-10-24 21:45

2017-10-24 21:45


Application of state monitoring and fault diagnosis technology for electrical equipment

电气设备状态监测与故障诊断技术主要有三个环节:首先,状态监测。电气设备在正常运行中,通过对特征型号进行监测,变换与记录,并对相关问题进行分析与处理,并将分析结果进行详细的记录,为设备故障诊断提供确 ...

There are three main links in the state monitoring and fault diagnosis of electrical equipment: first, state monitoring. In normal operation, electrical equipment can monitor, transform and record the characteristic models, analyze and process the related problems, and record the analysis results in detail, so as to provide accurate diagnosis for the equipment fault.

2017-10-24 10:51

2017-10-24 10:51


Triangular connection and three phase four wire star connection method for three-phase power supply winding of generator

发电机三相电源绕组的三角形连接和三相四线制星形接法将三相电源绕组的末端U1、V1、W1连接在一起,成为一个公共点,叫做发电机的中性点或零点,从中性点接出的导线N称为中线或零线。中线通常与大地相接,又称地线。从三个绕组的始端分别引出三根导线U、V、W,称为端线或 ...

Generator three-phase power supply windings of delta connection and three-phase four wire Wye connected three-phase power winding end of the U1, V1 and W1 together, become a common point, called the neutral point generator or zero wire N connection from the neutral point is called the zero line or line. The middle line is usually connected with the earth, also known as the ground line. Out of three wires U, V, W from the beginning of the three windings are called line or...

2017-10-23 16:09

2017-10-23 16:09

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