
上海凌佳汽车租赁有限公司原是84汽车修理厂,公司现有长期合作伙伴30余:IBM(美资)、台资高长机械、美资界500强通力电梯、伍尔特梵瑞国际贸易公司、国际管理公司雷格斯、香港汇丰、阜登管理咨询有限公司、宝钢等等大小企业公司。 常年大小会务几十余次,F1法拉利车队会务用车,米其林公司轮胎测试会务用车,由阿迪达斯赞助的NBA明星球员表演会务用车,上海慈善基金会都江堰教师培训会务用车,德国奥迪会务用车。

Our company has stable long-term relationship with more than 30 companies, suchas IBM(America),Kalmarunionen(Gemen),Freudenberg IT (Gemen),Taiwan Gaochang Engining,Kone(America),Tevanre international trocle LTD,Leiges International Management LTD, HongKong HSBC,Buden management inguire ltd.Bao steel etc.Ferrari of F1 Ferrari rents our cars every year.Michelin rents our cars for the tire testing.Adidas rents our cars for the NBA basketball stars who take part in the Performance Matches in China.Shanghai bright Chinafoundation rents our cars for their teachers to Dujiangyan and Audi German also rents our cars for their annul festival Customers Satification is our goal!


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